Thursday, January 12, 2012

Welcome 2012! A year of Freedom and Peace...

Some years ago when I was still single, I had a wonderful Christian woman, (some years older than me) in my life whom I admired very much. She was, in many ways, like a second mother. I remember sharing with her how every year in January I started out with a list full of resolutions and hope,but by March I had failed and given up! What was I to do? It was then that she shared what she did every year instead of resolutions and since that year, I have been doing the same.
Every year in December, I begin to pray for the Lord to give me a word for the new year. Sometimes, He reveals it to me right away, and sometimes we are well into January before I know it.
Last year the word was "Change". A year of change it was! It's always fun to see what will happen in regards to the word. Since January 2011, we have seen lots of change: after 10 years of being home-owners, we decided to short sell our home and are now renters. After 9 years of staying home full-time,I started this wonderful business and am having so much fun working part-time. My husband finished his Master's degree after 2.5 years of school and working full-time craziness. There are many other small changes, but those are the big ones!
Just this past Sunday, during church, I discovered my words for this year and there are 2!
The words for 2012 are: Rest and Freedom.
While I still have yet to discover what these will mean for me personally this year, I am hopeful that it's gonna be a great year! This weekend I have my first two shoots of the year and I am so grateful. It was nice to have some time off during the holidays after the crazy fall rush but I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things with SnapCandy and enjoying this gift of photography.
How about you? Do you make resolutions? Do you pick a word? Do tell...

1 comment:

  1. That's a good way to look at things...and better to do it prayerfully. Last year, my word was "cycle" and it was true in so many ways. I think mine for this year is TRUST. I've seen it come up in so many places.

    Another great thing I heard this year was instead of prioritizing things/people/stuff, you should think of it as a circle: Christ in the center of your life and other things encircling that...we fail every time at "priorities" but putting things in the center...that seems more doable!
