Sunday, November 13, 2011

Catching up...

The days have continued to roll on by and we have continued to stay busy,BUSY! Busy as a family and busy with my business. November continues to be the busiest photography season as everyone has family pictures taken to send out with those good ole' Christmas cards. I'll be shooting pretty much every weekend this month and loving it! I love seeing the cutie kids all dolled up in their best.
I promise to catch up with pictures...soon!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Livvie Lou

This little sweetie is 3.5 years old and BIG on personality! Her hair is AMAZINGLY beautiful. Just a doll through and through. What a treat it was to capture her yesterday...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

First Birthday

This is my sweet little nephew, Nate.
Nathanael Judah McFarlin to be exact. He looks just like my brother-in-law, only with my sister's eyes. He is my older sister's first and only baby, although I am trying my best to convince her to have another! He has been the sweetest, easiest baby that I have ever encountered. Shortly after he was born, I felt a love for him as if he were my own. It was weird! But after some processing I realized it was because he is my sister's baby-her first. The family bond is so strong! What a blessing he is to all of us.
I prefer to shorten long names or give people nicknames, so at our house, we call him "Nate the Great" or "PorkChop" (don't ask...).
Last Monday, he turned one! We celebrated with them during a family dinner at DiCicco's-super yummy! I snapped these pictures while babysitting him the other day. I am looking forward to his official birthday shoot coming up soon, but I thought these were too cute not to share! Enjoy...
P.S. He loves to suck those fingers.
P.P.S. I could just eat him with a spoon! Love this little man.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A dog well-loved...

I have to be honest about how much I love, LOVE photography. How fun it is for me to dream up props, locate destinations and work with teeny precious newborns, chubby babies, happy kids and loving families. Most of the work I do is happy, fun and positive. Sometimes in life, that is not the case.
Our dear family friends, the Brosius family, just lost their beloved dog, Maverick-to lymphoma. He went from a happy, healthy dog to a weak, sad dog in a matter of weeks. It was both a privilege and an honor to capture their family during his final days. It was a heart-wrenching shoot to do and to edit, because they love him so much and they are like family to me.
These are my favorite images from our evening together. We love and miss you, sweet Maverick...

Mary, Mary, quite contrary...

This sweet dolly lives across the street-can she get any cuter?!?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Beach vacation

We headed to the coast to escape the heat last week and had a great family vacation! Here are my top two favorite pictures from the trip.

Landon-One year!

I had the privilege of watching this little guy make his debut into the world late last summer. Can't believe it's already time for his birthday! Enjoy...

Sweet Audrey Faye...3 Years!

I love this little girl and it is a treat to have her as a neighbor! Love her curls and spunkiness...